Android Permission The Right Way

Sinazo Bogicevic
2 min readFeb 9, 2021
illustration with a gigantic lock and key
Abstract vector created by vectorjuice —

Before you declare permissions it’s best to first evaluate whether or not you can perform the functionality without needing to declare the permission. The reason for this is simple if the user doesn’t understand why the permission is needed they might deny the request or even uninstall the app. Instead, you could use an intent so that another app can perform the task on your app’s behalf.

If you determine the permissions are still needed then these best practices will show you how to effectively use permissions. How you request permissions is going to depend on the type of permission so critical permissions should be requested upfront and secondary permissions can be requested in context. It's important to first determine the type of permission level and how well the user understands what the permission is for.

If the app has an onboarding screen, you can use this to educate the user about the app and why permissions might be asked for. Users are more likely to grant a permission when they want to use the feature the permission will enable so ask for the permission in context e.g user wants to share a contact. Ensure you provide a benefit instantly so users are satisfied with their decision to grant the permission. Explain to users how denied permissions can affect how a feature is intended to work. Provide a way for users to be able to go to settings and grant permission if it was denied.

Remember users have a right to control who they share their data with so be very clear as to why your app needs access so that users can make informed decisions. Make sure to ask only for relevant permissions that are going to allow the feature to work.



Sinazo Bogicevic

Android dev who also loves all things code